Muni, or the Municipal Railway is the bulk of what I've experienced. The M line isn't fancy, but it's a 5-10 minute walk from the apartment, and takes me right into the city.
Who am I kidding, I love the M line. I love sitting, or standing with all these people. This is one of the reasons that I was so excited to move here. Eventually I'm sure that I'll read while the train is going, but for now I just look out the window with wide eyes.
So how could I post Maile vs Muni when really it was Maile + Muni = <3?
Then last night's adventure happened.
The biggest problem that I've had thusfar isn't with Muni, but with my own two feet. The stops I generally wind up at are classic subway stops. I'm underground, and the only clues to my location are little signs telling me which stairs lead to which streets. Unfortunately, because I'm still learning, those signs never actually include the street that I'm looking for.
This happened yesterday. Google gave me these ridiculous directions, and I got so turned around that I didn't have a clue where I was. This wasn't a part of the city that I was horribly familiar with, and I don't have a smart phone. What was I to do? How was I going to get to the book signing? Using some sort of natural instinct, I turned around, found my way, and was at the bookstore with time to spare.
Getting back to my station was a piece of cake; I walked with some of my new friends and wound up at Civic Center. And thus began my most annoying Muni trip to date.
It started when my Clipper Card wouldn't scan. The attendant let me pass, but still frustrating. I went down the stairs, sat down, and patiently waited for my train. The digital sign informed me that an Outbound M was expected in about five minutes. That M never came. They skipped it. Instead Outbound N, L, J, K all came through. No M. The cycle continued.
Okay, if my train never came, I could take one of the other lines, maybe K, get to West Portal, or even St. Francis. I could wait for my connection there, and if it never came, I'd be close enough for Leonard to rescue me.
And then the crazy man came.
Don't give me that whatever Orange County Girl face. Everyone was on alert. Muni police were paged. He was talking to himself, in a very fierce determined voice. He talked about bullets, guns and shootings. Yes, I'd definitely get on K. But I sat. I waited. The crazy guy got on K. I stayed behind.
About fifteen minutes later, M finally showed up. Single car. Standing room only. Awesome.
Waited over half an hour for a train - check. Crazy guy - check. Standing the entire route - check.
You may have won this round Muni, but I'm not finished with you yet.
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