Saturday, January 14, 2012

Written about twelve hours ago

Well we’re here. We made it. I’m sitting on the floor, laptop resting on an ottoman, looking out my sixth floor window. We don’t have Internet (I’m typing this on Saturday morning, likely going to a coffee house or bookstore to work on my homework later today).* We slept on the floor, using whatever cushions and blankets we could find. Most of our possessions are still in the U-Haul, waiting for us to unload them today. The cats are fine (now, more on that later).

It’s not real to me yet. To either of us. The entire drive up, I kept feeling like I was going on vacation. That I was on my way to visit one of my Bay Area buddies. And now that’s me. I’m a Bay Area girl.

Nope, doesn’t feel real.

The apartment feels real. I’ve easily adjusted to it. It’s just the fact that the apartment lies in San Francisco that I haven’t fully grasped.

San Fran-bloody-cisco!

*Bookstore was rubbish, Leonard managed to connect me with his bluetooth.

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