Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goodbye Clothes

Now we're packing the apartment. Really packing the apartment. In some ways this is easier than the storage unit. Most of my apartment stuff is stuff that is going to San Francisco. Over the past few years, I've tried to sort through books as I go, and, bookworm that I am, those are the bulk of my regular purchases. It's the little things that aren't making the cut. A script here, a notebook there.

And the clothes.

Ah, the clothes. People say you should go through your closet once a year. Once a year! I have things I haven't touched in three! I'd like to say there's logic to what I'm keeping, that I have it down to a science, but I don't. Gone are the skirts that never fit me right, that never quite worked with my body. Gone are the sweaters I'm not sure I love, yet others I'm just as wary about stay. The jeans I can't quite fit into anymore? Some get tossed aside, others get to travel with me, waiting for the day they can be worn again. It's a quality issue; the good jeans and the good sweaters get to stay.

Then there are the clothes that still fit, and I still love, but just aren't me anymore. I'm not an ageist, I know more than a few women my own age who can still pull some of these outfits off. But sadly, I'm not one of them. Gone are my days of low cut lace up black tops and short plaid skirts.

And somehow, despite the fact that I've never considered myself a clothes horse, this is hitting surprisingly close to home. I know a lot of people who lose weight and deliberately get rid of their bigger clothes. But what if it's the opposite? What if you've been stress eating because of a big move, and hope to fit into the old clothes by March?

Today we tackle the kitchen. More Leonard's domain than my own, but I still expect some difficult decisions.


  1. Ugh. I am not a clothes horse either, but I get all sentimental about that stuff sometimes. We're not moving, but we're having to go through all of our stuff too. We had a junk room and half of the computer room had turned into Junk Room 0.5. I went through clothes and still wound up saving a hamper full of clothes that don't fit for the just in case. My husband had such a difficult time giving up his old computer parts. It was stuff that will never be used again because no one uses computers that old, but it's got that sentimental value. Of course, I have tons of childhood things I'm keeping to pass along to the kids. Half the time I'm questioning if I shouldn't just get rid of it because they'll get brand new things. So hard to get rid of and so difficult to realize what a softie I am for stuff!

  2. That's the sad part, we keep all this childhood stuff to share with our hypothetical (or not so hypothetical in your case!) children. But in the end, will they even want it? Did I want my own mother's hand me downs?

    I have this dollhouse that I don't want to get rid of. And if you asked me a few years ago, I would have been fine with the idea of finding it a new home. Who knows where my mind will be six months from now. But at this point in my life, with so many other things getting donated, it's staying.
