I’ve been putting off this posting for a week. I’d mentally written it before this blog was even created, and still I found myself letting it fester in my mind. The reason for this is both simple and complicated. So many people have offered helpful suggestions, and I don’t wish to offend a one of them. So please, friends who have offered advice on this situation, do not take offense. I do appreciate your words, and in the end, your thoughts may be the ones that stick. Your ideas may be the ones to save us at the eleventh hour.
What issue, you may be asking yourself, could cause Maile so much stress, that she opens with such a paragraph.
Apartment hunting.
Without fail, one of the first questions I’m asked is “where do we want to live?” People are curious about what district we’re considering, as though we have all the choices in the world.
Apartment hunting is difficult, yo. It’s even more difficult when you’re doing the entire thing via craigslist, and counting on local friends to tell you how the area is. And for everyone person telling me that one distract is perfect for us, I have another friend pushing me toward their choice district. I truly appreciate the personal touches, but you can understand why my head is spinning.
Let’s not forget the two things that further complicate apartment hunting. Mowgli and River. Not one cat, but two. There goes about 75% of available apartments.
So, long story short, where do we want to live?
In an apartment we can afford that allows cats, preferably somewhere near my restaurant or his school.
If you know of such a place, let me know. In the meantime, if you need me, I’ll be on craigslist.
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