Thursday, August 16, 2012

I've been quiet. Too quiet...

I know, where have I been. You've all been at the edge of your seats wondering how I'm really adjusting to The City. Damnit, my witty Facebook updates just aren't detailed enough.

It's been over six months since we made the big move. And, let's just get this out of the way, I freaking love it up here. I love that we can just make the decision to leave the house and BAM! adventure. I love our quiet corner of the city, and that our apartment has a view of the lush Lake Merced and the ocean. I love that it's so easy to find vegetarian items on menus. Oh the food. Vegetarian biscuits and gravy, grilled tofu burrito, sourdough grilled cheese, balsamic strawberry ice cream,  vegan donuts, gourmet cupcakes...
Best. Cupcakes. Ever.

So I'm happy. Still kind of lonely, but happy. Where does that leave my poor neglected blog? For months I've been flirting with starting a pop culture blog. As many of you know, I love tv. And some books.
I just spent the past month reading about the Wakefield twins as adults. 
My taste is impeccable.

But Maile, what about the food? The vegetarian biscuits and gravy? The grilled tofu burrito? Maile, what about the cupcakes???

Well my friends, my indecision has lead to the best of both worlds. Kitty in the City is branching out! I'll write about the city. The food. The stores. I'll write about pop culture, torturing you all with my geeky thoughts. (LOST rewatch 2012, it's on!) And maybe I'll even share a bit of myself, continuing to let you know about my struggles, my insecurities, and my fears.

So friends, you in?

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